For an event organised by LEEA, it is therefore unsurprising that the event placed a strong emphasis on safety and training, however the diverse range of products and services on display ensured that a broad spectrum of visitor requirements were catered for. "Registrations were up considerably on last year’s event and, from speaking to exhibitors, the feedback was positive, too," LEEA chief executive Geoff Holden tells Hoist.
He adds: "Exhibitions are changing, and we are reacting to that, but the line from those here at LiftEx is that the enquiries, and conversations that hey have been engaged in are of a high quality, and that is key at the end of the day.
"And this bodes well for Aberdeen in 2016, which is obviously important for us. We are fitting it around existing events in the tradeshow calendar but the support is there, from exhibitors and from other parties such as the local council, too." But going forward, Holden admits that the difficulty doesn’t lie with next year’s event, but what the association does in 2017.
"The show has grown to a size where there are not that many venues that can accomodate us, but that is something we will continue to explore."
We will take a closer look at some of the market opportunities, and challenges, facing manufacturers at the show next month, but overleaf is a snapshot of some of the key products showcased at the November show.
Special mention must also go to Loughborough University, which was won the coveted ‘Most Innovative Product Award’ for its Aero-Beam technology.
The aerodynamic lifting aid reduces drag and improves stability of loads so that work on construction sites – particularly of tall buildings – can continue in adverse weather conditions. Well done to the team, and all involved.