But they are not likely to be the last. Verlinde export sales manager Simon Rothechild says that he is also looking for representatives to cover the East Anglia and the London industrial lifting markets. Although the representatives have a strong regional focus, they are not required to only source business from their area, Rothechild says.

With Lifting Solutions and Charles Pearsons, there are 11 Verlinde distributors in the UK and Ireland. Other Verlinde distributors for Verlinde industrial product in the UK include Tomcat UK, Fellows-Stringer, Pelloby and Niko, in Ireland, Farrell O’Brien and Absolute Handling Services, and for Verlinde entertainment products, Vertigo Rigging, Nippy Industries and Total Fabrications.

Rothechild said that he is now looking to promote some distributors such as Pelloby into Europont, Verlinde’s crane builder network.