The UK regulations require safety equipment such as hard hats to be worn when risks – such as falling objects – cannot be controlled any other way.

According to the regulations, employers must consider the workplace hazards employees are likely to face, assess that the equipment is suitable to mitigate the risk, maintain and store it, train employees how to use it, and ensure that employees do use it.

It suggests that employees wear safety goggles or glasses to protect against dust or metal splash, and steel-capped work boots to protect against cuts and punctures and falling objects.

The new version includes advice about safety equipment for working at height.

It reissued the regulation, which is 13 years old, to include some newer laws. They are not to be confused with guidance for manufacturers of PPE, called the Personal Protective Equipment Regulations 2002.

The HSE is selling the Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992 (as amended) for £9 (Euro 13). It has also updated a free brochure about the regulations that is posted on its web site,