The winch is designed for both single and double motor operation, for the 2012 re-build and upgrade of Tata’s No 4 Blast Furnace at Port Talbot. Its function is to hoist fully-laden skips to load the furnace.
This is to be the largest skip car winch in the UK, carrying the heaviest loads at the fastest speeds. The existing skip car winch to be replaced was supplied new by Needham Brothers, now a Qualter Hall Company, in 1992. It will have been in service for 20 years at the time of this year’s re-build.
The work is taking place over a very intensive 10-month period and will include the design, manufacture, testing, site installation and commissioning, along with the dismantling and removal of existing equipment. The new winch will incorporate new improvements including a substantial increase in load capacity and also a more efficient time cycle.