The Oregon Clean Energy Center originally will have a capacity of 800 megawatts, but could be expanded to 1,600 megawatts, said Bill Siderewicz, a managing partner with North American Project Development LLC, the Boston-based energy group that is developing the project.

He said any expansion will depend on demand for power, and that his firm’s consultant has said the plant will be able to sell all the power it can generate.

The power plant will be located on a 30-acre site at 816 Lallendorf Rd. The developers also have an option to purchase an adjacent 33 acres.

Construction is expected to begin in late spring or early summer of 2014. About 500 construction workers will be needed. Bill Martin, another managing partner at the development company, said his firm is committed to using union labor and local contractors.

Plans call for the plant to be operational in May of 2017.