The chain hoists are operated by a central control system and lift the engines through a processing line where they get spray painted.
“As the hoist manufacturer, we delivered the hoists to our partners in China who closely worked with the end customer, who is a local and long-term partner. The products were delivered on time and the project is progressing well,” said Jürgen Dlugi, CEO, Liftket.
“Customisation is a big topic on the customer side. Since we built our new factory in 2018, we are making more and more special tailor-made equipment based on our modular concepts.
“The pandemic has probably "nudged" us all further into wider territories. Teams and Zoom meetings are possible with partners but also colleagues who probably would never have used such a tool before. Now that they have been integrated into our everyday work, such technical innovations will certainly continue to accompany us in the future.”