HBC-radiomatic’s Visio displays words and pictures. User-specific settings – such as overload warnings – can be created and modified. Users can navigate through the system with special multifunction switches.

Italian radio remote control manufacturer Imet has launched a data feedback display with 20+20 characters with a new compact design of its M550 joystick series called Zeus. The new box can fit more four more analogue or digital commands than the previous range.

Swedish firm Datek has launched a graphical display for its D2801 MIDI joystick control. The screen has a resolution of 128 by 64 pixels that allows a maximum of 160 characters, according to the company. There is also an option for two different font sizes. Datek’s parameter programming concept allows a lot of flexibility in the order and type of information that can be displayed, according to the company. The screen connects via a serial bus (RS-232, RS-422 and RS-485). Although it has been designed to be protected from physical and chemical damage, the display is field-replaceable.

Spanish manufacturer Ikusi is increasing the capabilities of its recently-launched TM 70 radio remote control receiver range. Next year the TM 70 joystick transmitter will have as an option a feedback box with four LEDs and the possibility for range limitation as well as joysticks with optical, rather than mechanical contacts to increase service life.

In April, Ikusi will launch a new smaller receiver and is setting up two analogue inputs and two outputs as well. The electronics have changed, from 5V to 3.3V, which will require less power. The price is also set to drop, though exactly how much had not been set.