Here, Önder Topuz, sales and marketing manager, BVS, talks to Hoist about the assignment.
He explains, BVS was awarded the contract through a large EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) contractor in Turkey who won the project.
“On winning the contract, we had to take into consideration that the geography and the climate conditions where the gantry is being installed is tough. The construction is in a very remote area and the tunnel is 3km long and not straight but is being bult with slopes and turns,” said Topuz.
“As a result, the customer worked directly with our engineering team to make sure we had the optimum solution to fit the specific requirements. The Tunnel RTG is a 2t x 8t with a 16t SWL (Safe, Working Load) and it is used for the lifting, transportation and assembly of 12m long steel pipes, in rough, uneven surfaces in the underground and in the tunnels.
“It is designed by our BVS engineers for situations where a gantry rail placement is not preferred or simply cannot be done.”
Topuz, added the gantry and its legs have a special geometry to perform the tasks for similar uses. The wheels make an angled rotation, enabling the crane to take the correct position mand to lift the pipes, which are brough under the legs and bring the pipes down into the precise position required.
“The Tunnel RTG moves along the tunnel back and forth easily. It brings great efficiency, speed and extraordinary cost advantages to the end user,” he said.
“This Tunnel RTG is a proven product, which we believe can bring the same economies to all infrastructure contractors worldwide.”