Deadline: 27 February 2006
Solicitation number: W8482-067899/A
NSCM: 38278 – Dibblee Tools Ltd. NSN: 3940-21-861-8331, 3940-21-861-8332, 3940-21-861-8333, 3940-21-861-8334, 3940-21-861-8335, 3940-21-861-8336, 3940-21-861-8330
The hoists are for delivery to: Department of National Defence, Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt, B.C.
Diane McLeod, 11 Laurier St./11, rue Laurier 6B1, Place du Portage, Phase III, Gatineau, Québec K1A 0S5, Tel: (819) 956-3995