The value of the equipment is estimated at Euro 702,000 ($590,000).

Technical information contact:

IBW- Ingenieurbüro Dipl.-lng. H. Wiczkowiak, Christine-Englerth-Straße 4, Attn: Herrn Wiczkowiak, D-45665 Recklinghausen. Tel. +49(0)2361 98600. E-mail: Fax +49(0)2361 986090.

Contact for tender application:

Stadt Duisburg, Amt für Stadtentwicklung und Projektmanagement – Ausschreibungsdienste, Friedrich-Albert-Lange-Platz 7, Attn: Frau Hamblock, D-47049 Duisburg. Tel. +49(0)203 2833199. Fax +49(0)203 2833400. URL:

Deadline: 29 March 2006, 09:30 CET.

Application language: German