Time limit for completion: eight months from award of contract.

The Contractor may use – with no restrictions – local contractors, where technical and economic conditions so permit, in order to maximize the involvement of local resources.

Application deadline: 17 November 2005

Application language: English

Contact: ENEL S.P.A. (in the name and on behalf of ENELPOWER S.P.A.), Via Carducci, 1/3, Attn: ENEL S.P.A. – Acquisti e Servizi – GCG, I-20123 Milano. Tel. +39 02 23015684. E-mail: fabrizio.montemerlo@enel.it; carlo.galimberti@enel.it; milagros.castillo@enel.it. Fax +39 02 3015 433.