According to the US Patent & Trademark Office, the invention relates to a “hoist apparatus including a rope sensing device for detecting rope fouling events. The rope sensing device includes a lever arm having a first end portion, a second end portion, and a pivot point located between the first and second end portions along the lever arm. The lever arm is pivotably mounted to a frame of the hoist apparatus for movement between a sensing position and a fouled position.”
An abstract of the invention, released by the Patent Office, said: “A follower is connected to the first end portion and positioned adjacent and spaced from a drum of the hoist apparatus such that rope winds on to the drum spaced from and relative to the follower when the rope sensing device is in the sensing position. A switch actuator is connected to the second end portion adjacent to a switch such that the switch is actuated to a motor stop position when a rope fouling event occurs.”
The inventor was issued US Patent Number 7,309,059 on December 18.
The patent has been assigned to MHE Technologies Inc., Wilmington, Delaware.
The original application was filed on March 7 2003.