Everything is covered in leaves, of course; the clocks, here in Britain at least, fall back an hour, plunging everyone’s evenings into total darkness for the next four months; lots of people throw away their Hallowe’en pumpkins without realising that they are actually edible; and most importantly for our magazine, we look ahead to the next year and plan the topics we want to cover in each issue of Hoist in 2019.

As with this year’s plan, our provisional aim is to include a regional market report, a report on an enduse application for hoists, and a report on a technology used in our industry, in all 12 monthly issues.

It’s worth highlighting the fact that the features in Hoist are all original articles written exclusively for the magazine. We visit many of the companies that we cover, or interview them remotely, and then compile what we’ve learnt into reports that give you a perspective you simply won’t find in other magazines. So, as well as planning the topics we want to cover next year, we have also been looking at our plans for travelling to meet the industry, whether that be at trade exhibitions, or at visits direct to the companies in our sector.

First ports of call will be Logimat in Germany in February, followed by Promat in Chicago in April. I will be in attendance at both, so if your company is planning to exhibit, please feel free to let me know details of what you’ll be showcasing, and I’ll make sure I drop by your stand to discuss your innovations further.

Beyond that, we’re planning to make other trips to company premises, to witness the manufacturing processes behind the technology across our industry. Those visits are also a good opportunity to find out more about what each regional market is doing—particularly useful given the turbulent times faced by some markets at the moment.

Going back to the editorial content we are planning for 2019, some of the topics we covered this year have been put on hold until 2020. It’s worth pointing this out, just so that nobody is under the impression that certain applications, technologies or regions have been ‘dropped’. In fact, it’s a combination of two factors. Some sectors move at a relatively slow pace in terms of major progress, so although it’s well worth us keeping checks on those sectors, they don’t necessarily warrant a full feature every 12 months.

Furthermore, there is simply a very large number of uses for hoists, and a very large number of regions where hoists are used. In fact, we have the whole world to cover. So, we want to make sure that we spread the net as wide as possible, with the aim of covering at least one national market in every major continent over a three year cycle.

You’ll shortly be able to read our new media pack, with a listing of all our planned features. Drop me or Martin McCarthy, our sales manager, an email, if you’d like a copy.