And yet, in those 15 years, both the industry and this magazine have evolved and adapted to changes in the outside world.

How much of a role we have played in bringing about those changes is a matter for future discussion. But, in our role as the industry’s mouth piece, we have dedicated ourselves to reporting those changes by bringing you timely and relevant news coverage supported by insightful and thought-provoking features and analysis. No matter how much the industry and the media landscape changes, these fundamental ideas will always remain.

In this months 15th Anniversary issue we take a look at how the international factory crane industry has developed since 1998. Most of these changes have been reflected in the Hoist front page covers over the past 15 years. Take a look at the double page spread of past front covers inside this issue and see if you can guess the big stories they related to. We have also invited launch editor Phil Bishop to reminisce with us about those early days and to recall the guiding principles behind the creation of this magazine.

In non-anniversary related news, we focus on the UK crane market and ask whether the industry has finally recovered from the doldrums of recent years. Our special technology review is all about drive components.

Despite the economic uncertainty of recent years, the market for drive components used in hoisting and traversing has remained largely unchanged. The inescapable reality is, that despite the state of the economy, machines must be kept running. So, while economic uncertainty may lead to more machine repair projects instead of replacement, drive components are generally still part of the capital budget in either event. We sit down with Aaron Kureck Director, Product & Development, Material Handling at Magnetek and discuss the market for drive components and technological developments on the horizon. As always, if there’s a story that you think we should cover, or a feature that has a natural home in Hoist, please get in touch.

My email is kizzi.nkwocha