SWF Krantechnik GmbH fitted the crane, scarred by wartime bullet holes, which caused no critical structural damage, with a NOVA NF electric wire rope hoist with double girder trolley, giving the crane a maximum capacity of 40t. The dead weight of the complete trolley is only 3.5t and in comparison to its predecessor offers all the advantages of a modern hoist.


The crane is now operated via remote control with frequency inverter technology and the monitoring device NovaMaster, which displays relevant data about the hoist on a display at the control switch.


The track gauge of the trolley was custom-built by SWF. The crane specialist also used a derailment protection on the hoist in order to eliminate the risk of levering out the trolley because of the tilting effect when turning the trundle-heads.

Technicians from Stühlen disassembled the old hoist and assembled the new one within a week.