Earlier this month, I circulated word of Hoist‘s plans to publish our biggest ever CeMAT Asia preview. We will also distribute bonus copies of the magazine at the show, which takes place at the Shanghai Int’l Expo Centre, Shanghai from 27-30 October.

Visitors examine chain hoists on the stand of Japanese manufacturer Kito at a recent CeMAT Asia show
Hoist will also preview CeMAT India (which was launched in 2007), where we will exhibit for the first time this year at the Bangalore International Exhibition Centre, December 10-13.
If you’re visiting or exhibiting either show, please send in your thoughts, feelings, product news and take on these developing markets to ensure your company is featured in the previews to these important events.
Up first, CeMAT Asia, where the organisers of China’s largest materials handling show will market the show with its new logo for the first time this year. The striking red square, for which it has become recognisable, has been abandoned in place of a new look, which brings it into line with the marketing campaign for CeMAT India.
Deutsche Messe press manager Brigitte Mahnken highlighted the similarities between the two logos, which both represent trade shows in the developing world.
The logos are also similar to that of the European CeMAT show, which takes place every three years in Hannover (the same city as Deutsche Messe’s headquarters), the most recent show being held in May this year.
Jeremy Gao, a spokesperson for Gorbel (Tianjin) Crane Co., Ltd., the Chinese manufacturing facility of US-based work station manufacturer Gorbel, says he is hoping for a wider cross-section of visitors from industry with purchasing-power at the Chinese show this time around.
“We do hope this year will be busier,” he adds, saying, naturally, “more visitors would bring us more business opportunities.”
Gorbel will exhibit from its enclosed track work station cranes. It will display a free standing work station crane, “which covers a rectangle area and a work station jib crane, which covers a circular area,” Gao explains.
Since Gorbel Tianjin only opened in May 2006, many of its products are still new to Chinese market, despite its more than 20-year history in the USA.
“Gorbel is growing fast in the Chinese market,” says Gao. He continues: “We have done a good job in the past two years and we hope for more success in the near future.”
J D Neuhaus GmbH & Co. KG will not exhibit, making its last appearance at the 2006 event. Spanish remote control firm Itowa has also declined the opportunity to exhibit for the second year running.
How will your company be represented?
I look forward to hearing your plans as the show season approaches.
Richard Howes, Editor